May 8, 2016

The Swedish-Finn who went to Malta..

Har fått förfrågningar på mera uppdateringar. Jag måste faktiskt säga att jag har varit dålig på det den senaste tiden. Men nu skall jag ta mig i kragen. Har inte haft tid bara, tog lite time off och åkte iväg till Malta för att sola och njuta lite tillsammans med en god vän. 
Nu är jag tillbaka och ready to face life once more. 
Tänkte uppdatera nu med en mega bildbomb från resan. 

//Have gotten requests for more update, and I do have to admit that I have been really lousy on updating lately. Have had so much going on, but from now on I will write more. Took a time off from life and went to Malta to sunbathe and enjoy life. Now I am back in Helsinki and ready to face life once again. Starting with a huge picture bomb for my awesome trip.//

The apartment we lived in was mega awesome! We had three bedrooms, three bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen, study and  you came straight in to the apartment from the elevator. Luxury. I loved it.

Lost in the hallway

My bedroom.

Awesome huge terrace

My very own bathroom.

First night. A walk in at Spinola Bay.

My morning view. Can't get much better than this. Seriously considering moving to Malta.

Panorama terrace view

Sunny lunch.

Back in Spinola Bay, this time it was sunny and just wonderful

Ancient pools in Sliema

I got mail

Fitting in

After a long day where I walked probably 300 miles it was great just staying in and enjoying this luxury micro cannelloni dinner that looks exactly like in the picture in the box...

Yes I do.

I overdosed on frappuchinos. Best thing in the world to drink when it's sunny.

Sugar, and more sugar

Hello lovers.

Store hunting in Birkirkara

Dinner at the Hilton, Blue Elephant.

No comments. Paceville, If you've been there, you know.

Come to mama. Must say, I ate pasta, pasta and more pasta.

Paceville once again. New shoes, all good. 
Out with the boys

And as I said, more pasta.

I met new awesome people and fell in love with a bar named Juuls.

Big football happening in Valletta. 

My morning view again.. ahh..

Met up with Stefano, he had some great tips on what to do during a stay on Malta. 

This is where they filmed the movie Troy with Brad Pitt. Hejsan Pitten!!

Great shopping, did you know that Make Up Store has much cheaper products in Malta than here? Heaven, I'm in heaven.

Pizza in a cone, need I say more. Genius.

Another genius thing. A charger box.

Found a great shopping mall in Sliema called The Point. There they also had Zara Home.

Tanning at every chance i got.

Last supper before leaving on a jet plane. I do know that I'll be back again.

Lucky coincidence that my Victoria's secret passport cover has my initials on it.

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