Jul 10, 2016

Sneaky genius and loyal friends

Edwin has had to wear this sputnik outfit for a week now. He has both front paws infected, which requires antibiotics and washes with some kind of special shampoo that the vet recommended. Yesterday, since we don't have running water at the cottage, we had to make a short trip through the forrest to my uncles sauna where there is a shower. Nando and Castor waited patiently while Edwin had his treatment. They are a bit worried about him.
Afterwards it was a must to take a sauna pic of the trio. Haha. They look like pros, except Castor who stayed in the back in safety. 

Later it was time to dig up the Robber's steak that had been buried under ground the whole day. The feast was amazing and the meat so tender that it almost melted on your tongue. Totally worth the wait.  
Apparently the story of the Robbers steak comes from back when people used to steal meat, and they cooked it under ground hidden under the bonfire so other's wouldn't realize they had meat. Sneaky... But genius. 


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