"Did not intend to buy chocolate. But when they offer you kismet for an additional 30sent when you buty a coffee, you don't say no. No, you don't say no... 😇 #itisalwaysyes"
Det tog en liten stund och sedan började jag få förfrågningar av mina vänner.. "Va? Är det nåt som du inte har berättat till mig?" Och "Har du börjat sällskapa?"
Jag fattade noll, tills min vän förklarade att R-kiosken har en kampanj där man skall välja kaffekopp enligt om man är singel eller upptagen. Hahhaa. Och jag hade valt den fina röda muggen som utan min vetskap betydde att jag är upptagen. Upsis.
//This is a bit funny. Yesterday I posted a status on my facebook that showed my coffee and a chocholate with the text:
"Did not intend to buy chocolate. But when they offer you kismet for an additional 30sent when you buty a coffee, you don't say no. No, you don't say no... 😇 #itisalwaysyes"
It took a while before friends suddenly started writing me private messages like: "is there something you haven't told me?" And "are you together with someone" and i didn't understand what they were talking about.. Until a friend explained that they in the R-kioski have this campaign where you are supposed to choose the color of your cup after if you are single or not. And of course I had without knowing anything of this chosen the pretty red one for taken. Hahhaa. //
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